The story is fiction, but I included a few things that are near and dear to my heart. The setting is my hometown, Philly, and one of my cats plays a supporting role. I did change his name to protect the innocent.
Here’s a sneak peek at Optical Illusions. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Maggie’s troubled past makes her seal off her heart. She shuts everyone out, and puts all her energy into work, but suddenly, she’s having erotic fantasies about her two bosses. They’re perfect. Good-looking, intelligent, caring… Everything a woman could want. But they only have eyes for each other.
Michael and Aaron have been a couple since college, but one thing is missing from their relationship. They’re bisexual and they miss having a woman in their lives. Maggie would be the perfect addition to their family. She’s beautiful, smart, compassionate… But they’re sure she’ll never accept their unconventional lifestyle.
Where you can find Optical Illusions:
Evernight Publishing:
Aaron Moore and Michael Briggs are both board certified optometrists. They opened a small optometry clinic in Center City two years ago and hired me to run the retail frames boutique. The timing was perfect. Commuting by train to the suburbs every day was taking a toll on me. Besides, the excitement of being in on the ground floor of a new business appealed to me. It turned out to be the best move for all of us. Now my whole life revolves around Optical Illusions.
But I want more. I wish I could find love and have a normal life, but I’m tainted. Dating doesn’t work for me. As soon as I meet a man and make eye contact, he turns into someone I need a restraining order against. Do they all see something in my eyes that clues them in to my dark fantasies?
Life is easier behind a mask. I may have hidden behind a fan, or a dipped parasol in some past life, but now I prefer sunglasses. It’s not so farfetched. Centuries ago, Chinese judges wore dark lenses to hide their eye expressions in court. Hidden behind my shades, I can move through life without anybody noticing.
Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.
Some things never change.
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Where you can find Gale Stanley’s books
Evernight | Amazon | All Romance | Bookstrand | B & N