Because, if you asked my friends (only the very closest) and the family members who know me better than I believed they did, they would tell you it wasn’t a surprise at all. I’ve always been the wandering type. My gaze wanders to anything pretty that could catch my eye. My heart wanders in the direction of things I can love fully without care or concern. My thought process wanders if at any moment I feel the least bit bored with my surroundings.
But mostly, I wander in mind.
All too often my boss tells me it’s clear I’m not listening or that I’m distracted from my work-related goals.
No wonder, you’re boring me. You’re not challenging me. You’re not giving me reason to tell a story.
It’s times like those when I find myself knee-deep into the urge to write. Because why not? I have words, sentences, characters with tales to tell all up in there just rattling around waiting to get out.
It’s like I’m this close to telling him to shut up because, I want to tell a story.
And sometimes my mind can be a scary place. Sometimes I want to make a reader happy, and sometimes I want to make a reader cry. Other times I want to get right down to business and others I want to draw out the tension and wait for as long as possible to make it that much better at the climax.
I don’t have a process. I don’t outline or overanalyze. I just want to write and I want the readers to feel.
Beyond the smut we dabble in, or the romance we adore…above all else, don’t you want to feel, too?
That’s what I strive for. That’s what’s hidden beneath the books and words in every story I write—feeling.
My novella A Mile High was one of the stories of which I attempted to showcase this need to write feelings while keeping it true to its genre and audience. It didn’t matter to me that it was an erotic romance, because in my head, these characters still had stories to tell. Further than the plane ride (and a little bit more) that we read in the book, they had so many other things going on that needed to be put on display without it overwhelming or taking up too much space and becoming boring.
It was a challenge. Creatively, it was new to me. I’m a wordy bitch. I don’t write 15k stories (hell, I’ve written chapters longer than that), no, I write 90k and instead of cutting during editing, I add.
So, this drive to get this story just right and the feelings I wanted the readers to develop for these characters was somewhat of a struggle…but only for a short time. I stopped second guessing myself somewhere along the way and just decided to write it the way it needed to be told. The way my mind wanted to tell it.
Thank you for allowing me to share this story with you.
A Mile High
Blurb: Olivia wants a vacation, that’s all, but when the airline screws up her plans for a week getaway to the beautiful Barbados, instead putting her on a new path that intertwines with the handsome, funny, and charming Sal, she can’t say no to his offer of joining the mile high club. Their meeting is explosive, attraction intense, and when the flight ends, Olivia is unwilling to part ways but unable to voice her wants. Still, fate is at work with its own plan, and where it finishes just might not be where it ends up.
There’s nothing quite like sex at a mile high.
Buy links: Evernight Publishing: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/a-mile-high-by-bethany-kris/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/A-Mile-High-ebook/dp/B00FEXO4TQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380101486&sr=8-1&keywords=A+Mile+High+Bethany
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-amilehigh-1304746-149.html
Bookstrand: http://www.bookstrand.com/a-mile-high-mf
Bethany-Kris is a twenty-four year old Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to two young sons, two dogs, and two cats. Between her full time job, her children, and a spouse calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something…when she can find the time.
Find her on:
Twitter at www.twitter.com/bethanykris
Facebook at www.facebook.com/bethanykriswrites
Or Blogger at www.bethanykris.blogspot.ca